Recombinant protein expression is a mature technology, owing to the various advances in cloning, cell culture, fermentation technology, strain and cell line development etc. However, the expression and purification of recombinant proteins, especially in E.coli, can have severe limitations, owing to issues like gene toxicity, protein modifications and the constraints of amino acid availability. Additionally, aggregation often limits the yield of properly folded proteins produced recombinantly and restrictions of the genetic code limit the possible modifications. Chemical protein synthesis as a complement to protein expression can overcome these problems. In particular, chemical synthesis using established solid-phase techniques are rapid, easily automated, and facilitate easy protein purification. Accordingly, the application of existing and emerging synthetic methods could facilitate research in all aspects of protein science. The technology produces functional proteins directly from genome sequence data, allowing researchers to dissect the molecular basis of protein function and examine protein-inspired nanofabrication.
Our service is based on our proprietary segment condensation and advanced peptide synthesis technologies, Pepmic can synthesize proteins up to 200 residues.
Key Features
High Purity: We can deliver proteins with 95% purity or more.
High Activity: Delivered proteins can be refolded to their natural state if required.
Higher Stability: Unstable proteins, such as proteases, can be stabilized by targeted modifications.
Engineered Proteins: Engineered proteins can be tailored to have any unnatural amino acid at any position.
The chemical synthesis of proteins is providing previously unattainable insights into the structure and function of proteins. The applications of chemical protein synthesis cover a wide range of laboratory processes:
Non-coded amino acids: Incorporation of non-coded amino acids into proteins
Protein structure-function relationships: Elucidation of the structural origins of protein function
Protein backbone engineering: Systematic modification of polypeptide backbone structure for protein function studies
Intermolecular hydrogen bonding: Interaction analysis of protein complexes containing backbone-to-backbone amide hydrogen bonds
Mirror image D-proteins: Synthesis of an entire protein with D-amino acids
Protein signature analysis: Signature analysis of self-encoded libraries of protein analogs
Precision labeling: Precise labeling at predetermined sites with complete versatility
Pepmic's chemical protein synthesis provides clients with a comprehensive package of active engineered protein synthesis services, including functional characterization. Every step of our chemical protein synthesis process is subject to stringent quality control. The activity and purity levels of Pepmic's engineered proteins are guaranteed.
Delivery Specifications
The typical delivery consists of engineered proteins in lyophilized powder form, all possessing the specified sequences, modifications, purities, and quantities. The associated QC reports and functional characterization data, where applicable, are included.