(Tyr15)-ACTH (7-15)
Product   (Tyr15)-ACTH (7-15)
Cat#   10-1-27A
3-letter-code   Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-Gly-Tyr
Sequence   FRWGKPVGY
Unit/Weight   1.00 mg
Unit Price   $30.00
MW   1109.3
Formula   C55H76N14O11
References   1. Pituitary Adrenal System Hormones and Behaviour, Symposium on Developments in Endocrinology (1976) by D. de Wied 2. ACTH and Related Peptides: Structure, Regulation, and Action; Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 297, 1 (1977) 3. Aspects of Hypothalamic Regulation of the Pituitary Gland; Science 202, 18 (1978) by A.V.Schally 4. Studies on Polypeptide Receptors. A Critical View on the Mechanism of ACTH Action; Bull. Schweiz. Acad. Med. Wiss. 34, 263 (1978) by R. Schwyzer